Get Involved

Smiling mother and sonWe encourage parents to get involved at Laurel Meadow Elementary School. One way to get involved is to join the PTA. Serving on a PTA committee, such as our Snowflake Dinner, Family Dinner and Dance, or helping with our Fun Run are ways parents can assist with PTA activities.

We also encourage fathers and other father figures to serve as Watch D.O.G.S. These are “Dads of Great Students” who help out at the school one morning during the school year.

You can also get involved by attending one or more of our curriculum nights with your child.  We have a STEM Night each fall and a Reading and Writing Night each spring.  

Finally, you can stay involved by simply reading to your child each night. Reading with your child enhances vocabulary development, fosters listening skills, helps students with spelling and comprehension, and establishes foundational literacy skills. 

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